archives submissions blog (dis)likes

The archives are sorted by date here.

Amy Abrams
Wonder Bread (October '07)

Carmen Adair
Battling Monsters (May '04)

Brian Ames
The Brick Men (August '03)

A.M. Amodeo
Mickey Mantle's Liver (April '06, Baseball Issue)

Bob Arter
Sinker in the Hole (April '05, Baseball Issue)

Karen Ashburner
Ferris Wheel (September '03)

Tim Bacon
Well Protected (October '04)

Brian Beatty
Down With the Ship, Yo (October '05)

Margaret Bentley
Lobo (September '07)

C.L. Bledsoe
Rats (December '07)
The New Apartment (February '05)
Luck (January '04)
Jane (December '03)

Donnie Boman
Film Conservation (February '05)
One of These You's is Really Me (June '03)
Photography (February '03)

Andrew Bomback
Victims(March '06)
A Nice Life (April '04, Baseball issue)

Greg Boose
The Good Cents of Security (January '08)

Justin Bonsey
Auspices(September '05)

Ryan Boudinot
Gene Simmons Pauses to Consider His Legacy (December '03)

Jennifer Bowers
Bill's Damn Cats (June '02)

Teresa Tumminello Brader
Secret Keepers (August '07)

Susannah Breslin
O is for Octopus (March '06)

Randall Brown
Barrie Blonz (April '05, Baseball Issue)
Soccer Dad (May '04)

Blake Butler
Redefining All-You-Can-Eat: Our 14 Hour Challenge to Ryan's Steakhouse, parts 1-4(March - June '07)
List of 50 (3 of 50): DEFECTIVE DATABASE PARTITION (February '07)

Jennifer Cande
Showing Raylene (October '03)

Crissa Chappell
Had It Not Been (June '06)

Kim Chinquee
Ouzo (March '06)
Coffee (September '03)

Dave Clapper
Joe Lee's Fastball (April '04, Baseball issue)

Peter Clarke
First Impressions (September '05)

Martha Clarkson
Velocity (December '06)

Adam Clay
A Day in the City &
Heavy With Drink and Tenure (June '02)

John Colt
Wiring Man (December '03)
"K" (May '03)

Dawn Corrigan
The Way There and the Way Back (January '07)

John M. Cummings
Ninth Grade (January '08)

Alan Danzis
The Apothecary (October '04)

Christina Delia
Sympathy (May '05)

Tim Denevi
The Wolfman in Barry Bonds (April '05, Baseball Issue)

Spencer Dew
The Exit Colony (October '04)

C Nolan Deweese
Big Time Trucking (May '03)

Jonny Diamond
Agnes and Ned (July '07)

Andrew Dicus
Creatures of Habit (June '06)

Dennis Dillingham
A Fool's Faith (an essay excerpt) - Truth and the Aftermath (April '04, Baseball issue)

K. B. Dixon
How to Have Your Portrait Painted (June '05)

Martin Dodd
It's About Time (June '07)
How Thurleen Met Skeeter (December '06)

Litsa Dremousis
The Cousinfucker (June '07)
Sandy Koufax 1964 (April '07, Baseball Issue)

Pia Ehrhardt
87 Cars (August '03)

Elizabeth Ellen
Priceless (April '04, Baseball issue)
That Which Is Revealed in the Absence of Light (Feb. '04)

Anne Elliott
Aquaria (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Samantha Enns
A Sheltered Paradox (August/September '04)

David Erlewine
Touching Tires (November '07)

Zdravka Evtimova
Jivil (May '03)

Ali Fahmy
The Museum of the House (October '03)

M. T. Fallon
Holland (November '07)

Kirk Farber
Forever Girl (February '07)

David Henry Fears
You Don't Listen Anymore (March '05)

Steve Finbow
The Dead Walk Backwards (August '07)

J.D. Finch
The Afternoon of the Babe (April '03, Baseball Issue)

Erin Fitzgerald
Four Sieges (July '07)

Matthew Flaming
Memo for the Living (September '03)

Michelle Garren Flye
At the Observation Park (December '03)

Stefanie Freele
Sweet Venus (February '07)

Avital Gad-Cykman
How to Win Friends (December '02)

Scott Garson
Acquired from Ex-Girlfriends (November '06)

Greg Gerke
Two Shorts (February '05)

Paul Germano
Jazz Club Serenade (May '05)

David Gianatasio
The Time Machines (February '05)
Off Track (November '04)
Smile (March '04)
The Movie I Remember (January '04)
Vows of Silence (October '03)

Aaron Gilbreath
The Ducks of Santa Nella (August '06)

Diane D. Gilette
Crimes of the Post-Divorce Era (August '07)

Gary Glauber
Physics Lesson (January '04)

Tod Goldberg
Joltin Joe Has Left and Gone Away (April '05, Baseball Issue)
The Steve Garvey Affair (April '03, Baseball Issue)

Mark Gordon
Screenplay (October '03)

Kevin Grauke
Awfulness (October '07)

Richard Grayson
Diary of a Brooklyn Cyclones Hot Dog (April '04, Baseball issue)

Nicholas Grider
Nightfall (March '05)

Aaron Gwyn
Closing Time at the Diamond Cabaret (May '02)
Lavinia's Son Considers His Place Setting (March '02)

Susan Henderson
Gravity (July '03)

Michael Hemmingson
Daddy (January '08)

Andy Henion
Poker Night (October '05)

Jnana Hodson
Forest Hills Clutter (March '03)

Tiff Holland
Autobiography (September '07)

Jessica Hollander
The Decathlon: The Course (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

B.J. Hollars
Geometrics (November '07)

Jeanne Holtzman
California Dreamin' (May '06)

Dave Housley
The Combat Photographer (May '05)

Gregory Howard
Aversions (May '05)

Louise Howerow
The Movie With All the Skeletons (February '04)

Peggy Johnson
More Than a Little Impressed (October '05)

Mike Jones
The Robot (June '06)

Shane Jones
I Will Unfold You With My Hairy Hands (September '07)
Pissing (October '04)

Siel Ju
Missing Eye (September '07)

Len Joy
Happy Hour (February '08)

Kevin Kalinowski
What it Means When the Sky Turns Pink and the Rain Starts to Fall (June '05)

Catherine Kasper
This is Your Only Warning (June '03)

Kilean Kennedy
Summer Hits (September '06)

Caroline Kepnes
Harvey's Mouth (June '05)

Stefan Kiesbye
Sea World (March '06)

Brendan Kiley
Three Versions of How I Found My Winter Coat (August/September '04)

Ian F. King
First Person, Unreliable (March '07)
Our Anniversary (February '04)

Lee Klein
Stay on Second: Two Telling Moments in One Woman’s Quarter Century of Playing Ball Both Hard & Soft (April '04, Baseball issue)

Elizabeth Koch
Letter to the Man Who Understands that Mental Illness is a Desirable Thing in Our American Presidents (November '06)

Miriam M. Kotzin and Bill Turner
Vacation Planner (November '04)

Jeff Landon
Proofreader (May '07)

Darby Larson
Drifting (December '03)

J. L. Laughlin
For the Good (September '05)

John Leafey
The Field (March '04)

Nathan Leslie
Silence (March '05)

Jonny Lieberman
Meretricious (March '02)

Tao Lin
October (August '06)
The Novelist (August/September '04)

Kathleen Lindstrom
Collision (August '07)

Michael Loughrey
Snakes & Ladders (June '07)

Pasha Malla
Zach: An Intervention (March '06)
It Is What Fiction (October '03)

Antonios Maltezos
Baseball: A Life (April '06, Baseball Issue)

Rattan Mann
The Unread Story (May '04)

Bethany Mattone
Responses (September '02)

Sharon McGill
Like Unto God (January '08)

Mike McGowan
A Brief Succession of Events in the American Southwest (February '04)
This is How it Was (July '02)

Dianne McKnight
How To Train Mules (March '04)

Jesus Miguel Mendoza
The Beast (February '03)
Scooter (December '02)

Corey Mesler
Noah, at Home, Afterwards (February '05)

Jen Michalski
Chiquita (December '06)

Lincoln Michel
Crazy Jake and Me (October '05)
Injured Wolf Howls at the Moon(June '05)

Sean Mills
Lake-Effect Snow (May '07)
Vanishing Point (January '07)

Amy Minton
Overhanded (May '07)

Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz
Something Happened (October '04)

Christopher Monks
Daisuke Matsuzaka's Other Legendary Talents(April '07, Baseball issue)
Little Johnny Damon Gets No Respect (April '06, Baseball issue)
Course Catalog for Jose Canseco's Baseball Academy (April '05, Baseball issue)
The Right Fielder's Epiphany (April '04, Baseball issue)
The Fashion Ups and Downs of My Little League Career (April '03, Baseball Issue)

Jesse Morse
Hot Dog (April '06, Baseball Issue)

Ryan Robert Mullen
M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I (February '04)

Derek Murphy
Ultimate Fearless (March '04)

Ryan Michael Murphy
Crooked Teeth (May '06)

Joseph Musso, Jr.
Trumpet (October '06)

Darlin' Neal
Honeymoon (October '06)

Stefani Nellen
Unpublished Manuscript #36 (July '07)
Banned from the Hospice (March '07)

Scott Neumyer
Pastime (April '04, Baseball issue)

Michael Obilade
Rose Petal (September '06)

Kevin O'Cuinn
The Magic Word (August '06)

Erik Olsen
Family Values (March '05)

Chris Orlet
Belleville, IL: Liner Notes (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Richard Osgood
Liberating Crabapples (June '07)

William Painter
Warm (September '05)

Whitney Pastorek
Baseball Messiah (April '03, Baseball Issue)

Todd Robert Petersen
Saved (March '05)

William Petersen
Nine Paragraphs about the Future (in Jacksonville, Florida) (July '07)

L. D. Petterson
The Devil and Judy Peters (May '04)

Leonard Pierce
The Frozen Iceball Theory (April '04, Baseball issue)

Glen Pourciau
Hello (October '07)

Francis Raven
My Fifty Dollar Coffee Cup (January '04)

Suzy Reddan
Best Friends (August '02)

Nick Ripratrazone
Yesterday (February '08)

Al Riske
Don't Stop Now (November '07)

J. Chris Rock
Fireworks: Audio Commentary (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Andrew Roe
The World Isn't There(November '06)

Caryn Rose
And It's Outta Here(April '07, Baseball Issue)

Jonathan Roy
Tiny (September '02)

Bonnie Ruberg
Every Beautiful Thing (November '04)

Devan Sagliani
All My Childhood Heroes Played Ball (April '06, Baseball Issue)

J.R. Salling
Scenes from the Elephant Garden (March '07)

Matt Salesses
Captain Cook Discovers Australia (August '06)

Shya Scanlon
The Man as a Man (October '02)

Sloan Schang
The Unusual Emigration of Franklin Lewitt (September '05)

Wayne Scheer
Blue and Yellow Polka Dot (May '05)

Steve Schirra
Fireflies (October '06)

Nicole Schoentag
Sunlight in Florida (June '03)

Savannah Schroll
Showmanship (March '04)
"P" (December '03)

Laurie Seidler
Floating Inside (November '04)

Steven Seighman
Coming of Age: Robin Ventura Learns To Respect His Elders (April '04, Baseball issue)

Hilarie Shanley
Housewarming (March '05)

Rosie Sharp
Xanhaar (May '06)

F. John Sharp
Me and the Boy 5-18-06 (April '07, Baseball Issue)

Amy Shearn
The Dogwalker (September '05)

Tom Sheehan
The Jerry Garcia Orchard (June '06)

Jonathan Shipley
He Liked Fighting Nazis (June '05)

Paul Silverman
Cabin Fever (August '07)
Big Country (September '06)

Matthew Simmons
The Writer On Tour Secretly (February '05)
The Bottle (August/September '04)

Claudia Smith
Liar (January '04)
Stoplight (August '03)

Curtis Smith
My Totally Aweome Funeral: A Response (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Logan Ryan Smith
Forgetting Days (May '02)

Jeremy Snider
poems: sayings (April '02)

Garrett Socol
Tooth Decay (January '08)

Eric Spitznagel and Brandon Kruse
Jokes with confusing or nonexistent punch lines (February '03)

Michael Squeo
Rhinocerous (February '07)

Mike Standaert
On Top of the Hill (October '03)

Jodee Stanley
The Train, Stopped (January '07)

J. Ryan Stradal
Ambient Plumbing (a prequel) (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

James Sutter
Wings (July '03)

John Sweet
The Moment, In Ruins (September '06)

Emily Taylor
Bike Birth (December '06)

Craig Terlson
Pure Static (May '06)

Richard Treat
Test-Tube Jesus (December '07)

David Valin
Blank Spaces (October '07)

Laura van den Berg
Transit (May '07)

Galen Wade
Boxing Moths (August '02)

Mark Walling
One Dalmatian (October '02)

J. W. Wang
Lot 613 (January '07)

Jared Ward
Roy G. Biv (February '08)

Jay Wexler
In the Trunk (November '03)

Derek White
The Reenactment is Never the Same (November '06)

Joan Wilking
The Mystery of Art (October '06)

Amy Day Wilkinson
Trula Said (March '03)

Wayne H.W Wolfson
In the Sea (May '04)
A Little Drink (April '02)

Joseph Young
Barge (July '03)

Mike Young
The Peaches Are Cheap (December '07)

Tadzio Yuko
For Everything Else There is Mastercard (March '07)

Shellie Zacharia
Lane 12: Behind the Story (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Catherine Zeidler
Pregnant: Sketches (July '06, Hobart #6 Bonus Material)

Yael Ziman
Obey Giant (March '03)

Claire Zulkey
Take Me Out (April '03, Baseball Issue)